
Always looking for the next challenge….just stop.

I don’t know why, but I always feel the need to push myself and this comes into full force with the kids. Although I am completely trusting in their own progression, as soon as we overcome one developmental stage, instead of resting and enjoying the achievement, I push myself to begin the next. For example, if we just accomplish bedtime routines, I will instantly push into the next challenge such as toilet training or giving Read more…

The idea of perfection and unrealistic expectations.

One of the biggest struggles I’ve faced since having children, is coping with the expectations and opinions of others. Whether I have asked for advice or not, coping with the ‘you should do this…’ or ‘you need to do that…’ has been really difficult. If I wasn’t doing the same as what someone had advised me, I would beat myself up. I was doing it wrong. I was parenting badly. I was making mistakes that Read more…

My anxiety took over – I didn’t go, but it was ok

Last weekend was a big event in St.Ives, ‘The St.Ives Food Festival’, an event where the principles ring true to my heart. Food, drinks, the beach, fun, my friends and mostly it supported local businesses, but I couldn’t go. Not because I wasn’t allowed or was unable to, but because my anxiety had taken over. The event was on the beach and limited parking. This started my downwards spiral. I’d have to get the train Read more…

Sunshine and suncream – not always the protector

I love the sunshine. We always try to embrace the nice weather and get outdoors. We have a small outside space and we love to set up the paddling pool, the boys run naked and just play! My biggest stress when it comes to the sunny weather is suncream. Poor Frankie has horrible eczema. Mostly, I can keep on top of it through diet, but any attack to the immune system or growth spurt etc, Read more…

Super simple chicken curry – Allergy and Slimming World friendly

When the day has turned into chaos it’s so easy to grab a takeaway menu or pop to the chip shop (especially when you live next door to one). I have a couple of go to quick and easy to cook dishes. Inspired by the chicken korma from the ‘curry club’ Slimming World cookbook, we will probably have this dinner once a week! As I’ve stated before I have to try and cook meals that Read more…

Dinner demands….

I married a chef. A great chef. He spends most of his time in a kitchen, so I am the one who cooks for the family. I enjoy cooking but I want it to be easy!! I’m a massive fan of one pot meals or slow cooker dishes. I don’t want to spend my whole evening cooking a meal once the kids have gone to sleep. I have a few recipes that I will always Read more…

U turn – loosing control and breaking routine.

I see my friends take their children out on day trips all the time. They look fun, exciting and rewarding. The kids are having fun, the parents are full of smiles and the activities are interacted with. Without sounding too negative, for me, days out are super stressful. I panic. I panic about getting out of the door in time. I panic about changes of clothes, will we be hot or cold?! Will frankie wet Read more…

Admitting that I wasn’t ok.

Throughout this blogging journey I hope to inspire some of you to find ways to cope with life, children, allergies, eczema and working whilst juggling it all. I want my posts to be helpful and to make certain aspects of our journeys easier. Firstly, a bit about how I got here. I found the last few months of my life, the hardest ever. If you’ve ever had a hurdle that seemed impossible to get over, Read more…