Why write a blog?!

Since Christmas 2017, I've found myself struggling to cope with day to day demands, so much so I felt I was on the verge of a breakdown or suffering with some form of delayed post-natal depression. I've decided to start this blog to not only help myself process everything, but to also offer help to anyone struggling with similar demands as I am.

Allergies and eczema

I have two boys with multiple food allergies; Dairy, Egg, ALL nuts and Soya. Advice on these issues are limited from the NHS so this is about how I coped when there was such limited information and also how to manage day to day stress.


I love my boys more than anything, but honestly, I've never felt as much pressure and self worry/criticism since having them. I hope to provide support to those who feel that they are not quite enough and should be doing something different.


Although this is primarily a blog for me to get my experiences out there and hopefully help others, it is also hopefully going to succeed in being a media for me to vent and process my insecurities, issues and worries. I'm trying to support myself as well as others.


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